In the face of shortage, contraceptive pills can be substituted

2022-07-24 08:37:30 By : Ms. Joy Huang

Support the work that our journalistic team does every day.The Departmental Health Institute (IDS) sent a reassurance to the population regarding the supply of contraceptive drugs in the department.However, concern is growing over the warning call made in recent days by the Colombian Association of Retail Druggists (Asocoldro).Carlos Martínez, director of the IDS, expressed that given this information, from that entity they have not received any report regarding failures in the sale and distribution of pharmacological planning methods, but that they remain attentive to the monitoring that the National Government, through the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, carries out with the National Institute for Surveillance of Medicines and Food (Invima).Martínez expressed that this verification is carried out in the laboratories or commercial houses that distribute the active ingredients for the manufacture of medicines in the national order, especially due to the pressing need to develop planning plans with the migrant population that arrives in the region.According to what was reported by Asocoldro, there is a low availability of oral contraceptives (pills) and injectable methods in the country, due to the limitations that exist in the world order.Also read: Duarte Medical Clinic denies a citizen's request to help children with cancerAlfonso Cultiva, president of the association of druggists, said that when pharmacies ask the laboratories to replenish the medicines to supply the products, they tell them that there is no availability.“We have the case of drugstores that ask for two million units and only offer them 200,000.That is where the demand is greater than the supply”, he warned.Cultiva explained that the shortage derives from the lack of raw materials with which these molecules are made and this is due to the lack of containers, added to the regulations imposed by the Ministry of Health that has as a reference a dollar to $3,000, when it is above $4,400.Invima's response to this statement was that there is no shortage and that to declare a medicine in shortage, an in-depth study must be carried out.They reported that there are currently 66 health registration holders of contraceptive pills.Of these, 31 responded and with those who responded, in addition to the availability of pills, "it is more than enough to cover the market demand in the country."It may interest you: Horror!A man killed his wife, son, nephew and took his own lifeAs a result of the alert generated by Asocoldro, a statement was issued from Profamilia to inform the community that in the event of a possible shortage of oral contraceptives, the organization guarantees that they have the inventory to supply these drugs at all of its offices and pharmacies throughout the country. Nacional level.The non-profit organization spoke out due to the alerts issued by some entities in the national order about the possible shortage of pills, specifically contraceptives with the combination of Drospirenone and Ethinylestradiol.Juan Carlos Vargas, a doctor specializing in gynecology and scientific advisor to Profamilia, explained that since 2019 some difficulties in acquiring contraceptive methods began to appear in the Colombian market, but in that case it was with an injectable molecule that is applied every three months.Vargas reported that although there has been some shortage of the Drospirenone and Ethinylestradiol association, Invima was prompt in clarifying that they have around 68 registered brands."Not all of them are from that association but there are several commercial presentations that have them," he said.Get informed: Transfers to 'undetermined person' will endThe specialist made a call not to generate panic in the population, since it is possible to change the commercial brand of the same active ingredient or in case it disappears, it can migrate from one molecule to another."In that case guided by a professional," he clarified.Profamilia's scientific adviser explained that a production chain is generated in the country's laboratories.Some generate active ingredients that are sent to a pharmaceutical laboratory, which is the one that produces the medicine.The problem arises because in Colombia there are hardly any hormone plants."All the hormonal contraceptives that we have here are produced outside the country and arrive in the country by import," he clarified.This is the reason why the international context has repercussions on national distribution, such as what happened as a result of the quarantines due to the booming crisis of COVID-19 that collapsed international cargo transport, or even the war between Ukraine and the USA. "The Ukraine region is a producer of substrates for the production of active ingredients," he added.Thank you for valuing La Opinion Digital.Subscribe and enjoy all the content and benefits at: not stop being informed day by dayBe one of our subscribersCOPYRIGHT © 2022 LA OPINION SA NIT.890.502.801-7.Its total or partial reproduction is prohibited, as well as its translation into any language without the written authorization of its owner.