/ Monday, August 1, 2022China may be "positioning" for a military show of force near Taiwan ahead of an eventual visit to the island by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the White House said on Monday.China "appears to be positioning itself to potentially go one step further in the coming days," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters.This "could include military provocations such as firing missiles into the Taiwan Strait or around Taiwan," he said, or "large-scale aerial entries" into the air defense zone of Taiwan, an island claimed by Beijing.World Nancy Pelosi begins tour of Asia"Beijing's actions could have unintended consequences that only serve to increase tension," she stressed. Meanwhile, our actions are not threatening.The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, assured this Monday that he does not know if the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will finally visit Taiwan, but he asked the Chinese government to act "responsibly" and not raise the tension if that trip occurs.Blinken, speaking to journalists at the United Nations headquarters, stressed that the decision corresponds solely to the leader of Congress, which is an "independent branch" of the Government, although he recalled that there are many precedents of similar visits by US legislators. ."So if (...) he decides to go and China tries to create some kind of crisis or raise tensions, that would be Beijing's fault," said the head of US diplomacy, who trusted that the Chinese authorities "act with responsibility".The Speaker of the House of Representatives started a tour of Asia on Monday in Singapore, marked by the question of whether it will include a controversial visit to Taiwan.Pelosi will be in Singapore until Tuesday before traveling to Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, but her office has refused to confirm for security reasons whether she, as rumored, will also travel to Taiwan.Pelosi's would be the first visit to Taiwan by a US House Speaker since 1997, when Republican Newt Gingrich traveled to the island.The Chinese government has made it clear that it perceives the trip as a threat, and the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, warned that the Asian giant "will respond firmly" to what it considers a provocation, and that the US will have to " assume all the consequences" arising from the possible visit.China may be "positioning" for a military show of force near Taiwan ahead of an eventual visit to the island by US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the White House said on Monday.China "appears to be positioning itself to potentially go one step further in the coming days," National Security Council spokesman John Kirby told reporters.This "could include military provocations such as firing missiles into the Taiwan Strait or around Taiwan," he said, or "large-scale aerial entries" into the air defense zone of Taiwan, an island claimed by Beijing.World Nancy Pelosi begins tour of Asia"Beijing's actions could have unintended consequences that only serve to increase tension," she stressed. Meanwhile, our actions are not threatening.The Secretary of State of the United States, Antony Blinken, assured this Monday that he does not know if the president of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, will finally visit Taiwan, but he asked the Chinese government to act "responsibly" and not raise the tension if that trip occurs.Blinken, speaking to journalists at the United Nations headquarters, stressed that the decision corresponds solely to the leader of Congress, which is an "independent branch" of the Government, although he recalled that there are many precedents of similar visits by US legislators. ."So if (...) he decides to go and China tries to create some kind of crisis or raise tensions, that would be Beijing's fault," said the head of US diplomacy, who trusted that the Chinese authorities "act with responsibility".The Speaker of the House of Representatives started a tour of Asia on Monday in Singapore, marked by the question of whether it will include a controversial visit to Taiwan.Pelosi will be in Singapore until Tuesday before traveling to Malaysia, South Korea and Japan, but her office has refused to confirm for security reasons whether she, as rumored, will also travel to Taiwan.Pelosi's would be the first visit to Taiwan by a US House Speaker since 1997, when Republican Newt Gingrich traveled to the island.The Chinese government has made it clear that it perceives the trip as a threat, and the Foreign Ministry spokesman, Zhao Lijian, warned that the Asian giant "will respond firmly" to what it considers a provocation, and that the US will have to " assume all the consequences" arising from the possible visit.In July, 612 people were assisted, of which 288 were related to neighborhood or condominium conflictsThey seek to bring together entrepreneurs with water projects, circular economy, sustainable agriculture and energyAt a press conference, Leonor Mejía indicated that at least nine of the 18 committees must be headed by a womanThe specialists investigated whether plants also see and have the ability to distinguish whether it is night or dayGlobally, gibbons are among the most endangered primate families, and the crested gibbon is in danger of extinction.The young man drew the pistol during a fight between two teenagersSome have decided to return to Tapachula, while others have moved on to the municipalities of Mapastepec and Tonalá.The heat peak is expected on Wednesday with temperatures of up to 40ºC locallyThe unfortunate action that was recorded took place in the parking lot of the Dallas FC stadium, after the Galaxy lost on their visit